CompareSTR compares different TR callsets generated on the same samples against the same reference panel. CompareSTR outputs overall, per-locus, and per-sample concordance information.
Example use cases include:
Comparing calls to a “ground truth” set, e.g. from capillary electrophoresis data, to find call errors
Comparing calls for the same tool using different parameter settings to identify differences due to bioinformatic processing
Comparing calls for different tools. This only works if they used the same set of reference TRs. Please note that compareSTR only compares TRs with matching chromosomes and allele-positions (after ignoring flanking base pairs)
CompareSTR optionally will stratify results based on a user-specified FORMAT field (e.g. depth, or quality score) and/or by repeat motif length.
Note: CompareSTR is designed to be used as a QC tool. While it may be able to pick up certain biological differences in some applications (e.g. identifying de novo mutations by comparing parent and child callsets or somatic mutations by comparing callsets from different tissues), use-case specific analyses may be better performed by more specialized tools.
Note: CompareSTR has the ability to stratify comparisons based on quality scores. However, beware that quality scores output by different genotypers may not be directly comparable. You can use qcSTR to visualize the distribution of quality scores in each VCF file seprately.
CompareSTR takes as input two VCF files with overlapping TRs and samples and outputs metrics and plots based on comparing calls across the two VCFs. The input VCF files must be sorted, indexed, and have the appropriate ##contig header lines. CompareSTR only considers the subset of samples shared across two VCF files being compared, based on sample ID in the VCF headers.
Note: if comparing two VCFs with phased calls, ensure the chromosome ordering matches. A ‘motherAllele|fatherAllele’ representation will not match with a ‘fatherAllele|motherAllele’ representation.
To run compareSTR use the following command:
compareSTR \
--vcf1 <file1.vcf.gz> --vcf2 <file2.vcf.gz> \
--out <string> \
[additional options]
Required Parameters:
--vcf1 <VCF>
: First VCF file to compare (must be sorted, bgzipped, and indexed. See Instructions on Compressing and Indexing VCF files below)--vcf2 <VCF>
: Second VCF file to compare (must be sorted, bgzipped, and indexed. See Instructions on Compressing and Indexing VCF files below)--out <string>
: Prefix to name output files
Filtering Options:
--samples <string>
: File containing list of samples to include. If not specified, all samples are used.--region <string>
: Restrict to this region chrom:start-end
Metrics to stratify results:
: Comma-separated list of FORMAT fields to stratify by. e.g. DP,Q--stratify-binsizes
: Comma-separated list of min:max:binsize to stratify each field on. Must be same length as--stratify-fields
. e.g. 0:50:5,0:1:0.1 . The range [min, max] is inclusive.--stratify-file
: Specify which file to look at the--stratify-fields
in. If set to 0, apply to both files. If set to 1, apply only to--vcf1
. If set to 2, apply only to--vcf2
: Report results overall and also stratified by repeat unit length (period).
Plotting options:
: Minimum x/y axis value to display on bubble plots.--bubble-max
: Maximum x/y axis value to display on bubble plots.
Other options:
: Print helpful debugging info--noplot
: Don’t output any plots. Only produce text output.--vcftype1 <string>
: Type of VCF file 1.--vcftype2 <string>
: Type of VCF file 2.--ignore-phasing
: Treat all calls as if they are unphased
In output files, compareSTR reports the following metrics:
Length concordance: % of genotypes concordant between the two VCF files when only considering TR allele lengths
Sequence concordance: % of genotypes concordant between the two VCF files when considering TR allele sequence. Currently only relevant for HipSTR. Otherwise will be identical to length concordance
R2: Pearson r2 between the sum of allele lengths at each call compared between the two VCF files, where allele lengths are measured as number of repeat copies different from the reference.
These metrics and numcalls only reflect the (sample, locus) pairs that were called by both callers
compareSTR outputs the following text files and plots:
: Has columns period, concordance-seq, concordance-len, r2, numcalls. Plus additional columns for any FORMAT fields to stratify results on. This file has one line for all results (period=”ALL”) and a different line for each period analyzed separately if request by--period
. If stratifying by format fields, it will have additional lines for each range of values for each of those fields.<outprefix>-bubble-period$period.pdf
: “Bubble” plot, which plots the sum of allele lengths for each call in--vcf1
. Allele lengths are given in terms of difference in number of repeat units from the reference. The size of each bubble gives the number of calls at each cooordinate. A seperate plot is output for all TRs (period=”ALL”) and for each period if requested by--period
: Has columns chrom, start, metric-conc-seq, metric-conc-len, numcalls. There is one line for each TR.<outprefix>-locuscompare.pdf
: Plots the length concordance metric for each TR locus considered.<outprefix>
: Has columns sample, metric-conc-seq, metric-conc-len, numcalls. One line per sample<outprefix>-samplecompare.pdf
: Plots the length concordance metric for each sample considered.
See Example Commands below for example compareSTR commands for different supported TR genotypers based on example data files in this repository. More detailed use cases are also given in the vignettes
Instructions on Compressing and Indexing VCF files
CompareSTR requires input files to be compressed and indexed. Use the following commands to create compressed and indexed vcf files:
bgzip file.vcf
tabix -p vcf file.vcf.gz
Example Commands
Below are compareSTR
examples using VCFs from supported TR genotypers. Data files can be found at
# AdVNTR (comparing a file against itself. Not very interesting. Just for demonstration)
# Note, you first need to reheader files to add required contig lines to VCF headers
bcftools reheader -f hg19.fa.fai -o NA12878_advntr_reheader.vcf.gz NA12878_chr21_advntr.sorted.vcf.gz
tabix -p vcf NA12878_advntr_reheader.vcf.gz
compareSTR --vcf1 ${FILE1} --vcf2 ${FILE1} --out advntr_vs_advntr --noplot
# HipSTR vs. ExpansionHunter
compareSTR \
--vcf1 NA12878_chr21_hipstr.sorted.vcf.gz \
--vcf2 NA12878_chr21_eh.sorted.vcf.gz \
--vcftype1 hipstr --vcftype2 eh --out hipstr_vs_eh
# HipSTR vs. GangSTR
compareSTR \
--vcf1 NA12878_chr21_hipstr.sorted.vcf.gz \
--vcf2 NA12878_chr21_gangstr.sorted.vcf.gz \
--vcftype1 hipstr --vcftype2 gangstr --out hipstr_vs_gangstr
# PopSTR (comparing a file against itself. Not very interesting. Just for demonstration)
compareSTR --vcf1 ${FILE1} --vcf2 ${FILE1} --out popstr_vs_popstr